


We are documenting the AR Graffiti Movement. It's still new and its got a little ways to go.  AR Graffiti is new and its still not happening quite yet. People are enhancing a lot of murals which are dope!, yet the world is not covered in overlapping layers of AR graffiti everywhere. Currently you'll see a single piece but u cant walk down a street and see it covered w lots of AR graf pieces. We are working to cover the street and then the world in AR Graf and we are documenting our experiences on this blog and our Instagram. 

Getting up in the digital age is full of many unseen dangers. We are identifying and posting the issues w our workarounds. 

We are building an AR and 3D Graffiti tutorial library. We try to make all our tutorials with FREE software, so you don't pay.  

Worried that your phone is listening, that its tracking you.... You should be!! Getting up w AR means ur gonna need a phone at some point. We go over getting up digitally in 2022. 


This is about China but is probably happening everywhere. If its not happening now  it will be soon. Be aware.

COVID Surveillance https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/30/world/asia/covid-restrictions-china-lockdown.html

US Law Enforcement uses Cell-Site Simulators that track your exact location and collect all ur data.https://www.eff.org/pages/cell-site-simulatorsimsi-catchers


Using your car to get to the spot.... in NYC they know where your car is and track the movememtnst of all the cars in the city. They use


Basically NYC cop cars and some light poles around the city have cameras that scan every license plate as they pass by. It updates a networked database of ALL the cars current locations in the city. They are tracking u.... Like in Robocop, if you have any issues w the law and its tied to your plate.... You are getting pulled over. They can use your cars movements as evidence(?). So if u pull up right in front of the spot, it can put u in the area at the time of + track how u moved b4 and after. 


And all the AR work can be made into an NFT..... Yup we will show you how with a bunch of different software. 

We will be posting more info weekly so check back.... 

Need a Tutorial we don't have - Request it and our team will do the best we can to make it!

Want to be in the AR Graf Festival - July 4th 2022? Connect w us here-


Interested in sponsoring or partnering? Please reach out. 

Contact info-









Sketchfab [ FREE 3D Models of 2023 Brooklyn Graffiti!!! ]





NYC AR Graffiti Show 2022 BakAR Gallery Show Link https://argraffiti.blogspot.com/p/show-4th-july.html opens July 4th 2022 till infinity (its still open ^^)



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