Street Art in Lisbon : Places and artists


Street Art in Lisbon : Places and artists

If you like wandering through a town and getting lost looking for street art, Lisbon is a good candidate for your next trip. The variety of work is simply incredible. Between local and foreign artists, between superstars and less known artists, between political work, purely esthetic or documentary… Between BLU’s frescoes denouncing greed and capitalism destruction, in bracket Bordello II’s collage also criticising consumption, pollution and a society of waste, passing by the pointillist sculpture by Vhils, Camila Watson’s portraits of the Elders in the working-class areas, Shepard Fairey’s propagandist works, AKA Corleone’s colourful frenzy, Aryz’ horsey skeletons... Lisbon is an open-air museum however cliche that may sound. In 2020, except in the hypercenter in Baixa, you can see works all over the city. Many can be seen in Barrio Alto, around LX Factory and in the Alcantara District, on the South Bank of Lisbon in Almada, in the former industrial districts in Marvila. A bit less in Alfama or Belem. Considering the nature of street art, this repartition is bound to change… We followed a tour organised by the aptly-named “Liston Street Art Tou”r in some of the districts with the most works: Martim Moniz, Mouraria, Graça… The tour is pay-as-you-wish and paying 5 euros for more than 3 hours of discovery seems a minimum in my eyes. If you enjoyed the stroll, give us a like or leave a comment. You can also subscribe to our channel. Be curious and enjoy your stroll ! More about Lisbon in french : // Lisbon travelguide : // Map of Lisbon : // Itineraries for a weekend : // Places to stay : Stay tunes : [] Website : [] Facebook : [] Instagram : [] Pinterest : [] Flickr :


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