AUJIK | Edyth - Brother Dub (feat. Abbi Press & Gold Plates)


+ Year: 7009 of the Second Noocenoisis era (15 670 AD). + Location: The Meiwa and Waku planets. Two artificial exo-planets orbiting Proxima Centauri + Species: Omega Fungi Sapiens. Laboratory constructed organic life forms developed by the OIIO cooperation. Classified as a failed biological experiment. Assembled by 35% Cro Magnon DNA, 35% Mycelium and various Fungi fabric + 30% Unknown Extraterrestrial matter sampled by the Dolichovespula swarm-probes near the Hexagon galaxy. + Lifecycle: Planted as seeds in carbon YX concrete with Spomenik design. 15 years metamorphosis in a cocoon cluster stage, then reaches Imago and full physical functionality; referred to as the Primal Stage. Lifespan is between 15 to 2000 years, depending on their personal attributes and survival instincts. Suffers from severe DNA mutations, along with abnormal Chromosome settings and appalling physical deformations, which usually makes their life extremely hard to endure. Collective self annihilation is a common phenomenon in the northern hemisphere. + Physical specifications and abilities: Functional as Fungal colonies with telepathic and para-funginal capacity. Hermaphrodites with the capacity to self replicate while being exposed to the light rays from the Lichen moon. Physical communications through motions that resemble dance and martial arts. Mental communications by Hyphal Networks and Putrid acid exchange. Psychokinetic abilities by using insects as a form of proxy. From the album 'Sadie Pop' by Edyth out now!


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