Electromagnetism - Augmented Reality Mural

 ‘Electromagnetism’ by Drake Arnold is located on the exterior wall of the Ocala Citizen Service Center (CSC), 201 SE Third Street.

The CSC building sits adjacent to the OTRAK, a connector between the Ocala Downtown Market, Midtown and Tuscawilla Art Park. This interactive mural provides an artistic element to residents utilizing this multimodal parkway. This mural is the most recent addition to the City’s public art collection, providing the community a chance to experience augmented reality with a smart phone and using Arnold’s “Fractal Spirit AR” app. To view the mural with augmented reality, download the “Fractal Spirit AR” mobile app from the app store, install it on your mobile device, and if asked, allow the app permission to use your device’s camera and gallery. The portrait on the right of the mural depicts Michael Faraday, a pioneer of electromagnetism and electrochemistry, while the abstract design of lines, cubes, and spheres, on the shorter northern wall is intended to be a stylized representation of the wires, nodes and structures that comprise a modern-day power grid.


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