Artist Anatoliy Akue paint an abstract graffiti using SketchAR and augmented reality.


Artist Anatoliy Akue paint an abstract graffiti using Anatoliy Akue and augmented reality.

Anatoliy Akue is one of the famous and interesting mural artists in Russia. He created this modern abstract style graffiti using AR. He used a smartphone (Lenovo Phab 2 Pro) with Tango technology to paint this mural. Special extra cameras of Tango technology allow you to detect the environment and fix a virtual sketch on a real wall. Very soon we will add the option for general smartphones to paint on a wall. It will be possible with ARKit and ARCore. Many thanks to our partner for this awesome video of the process. Download SketchAR for free App/technology - Video curated and artist support - Artist - Anatoliy Akue


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