For this Mapping the story is quite funny ; Axe came up with a sickk drawing of a Wu-Tang Samurai, all equipped to go to turf war, with angry rats and bees keeping his back. Then he tells me the Wu saw it and liked it too. It was time to push it to the next Level. He wanted to paint it big and animate it I didn't know how to do, I knew Resolume since a few month, got the basic idea on how to define a projection on any shape. But i didn't know how to animate it. A few month before a guy sat in front of me in a coffee, a freelance 2D animator, Gordon, we started talking, clicked easily and exchanged contacts to do that new thing called mapping. Just the time to explain the project to both, the limitation of the surface we would use, and here you go. The animation was made in a couple of days, and we had good content for VJing 4-5 hours. Chilling under an animated graffiti is sweeet. Thanks to Mural Festival for finding us the Wall, the amazing neighbours who let us use their space and electricity. We had a great street party, mixing the mapping with DJ Shirtless sound system. Wu-Tang, if you came all this way to read this, invite us to NYC ! Video by Francois ¨Frenchie¨ Dupré


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